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Batman Needs Jesus.
Posted July 20, 2008 at 1:04 am

Okay, so I was a little out-of-sorts yesterday, what with Joss ruining my life and all, but now it's unruined and I've come to terms with my pain and blah, blah, blah.


My dad and I went to see The Dark Knight today. I had been looking forward to it SO much. Batman is not one of my favorite superheroes, though I've never really had a good reason why, but I am FULL of love for superhero movies as a genre...except for that travesty that was Daredevil...and the load of poo that was Hulk...and of course, there's Elektra, which I haven't seen, but I definitely feel I'm better off that way...

Anyway, we find seats in the theater, which is pretty full, and I soon realize that we've chosen a spot directly in front of a group of fourth graders and that the loudest, most obnoxious one is directly behind me. We're still waiting for the movie to start at this point, and there are open seats to my left, so just about the time that they start making farting noises and blaming one another, I motion to my dad (who cannot hear any of it because he's completely deaf in one ear and forty percent in the other) that we are moving over a seat. We do, and I start to feel a lot better about my life. I hear the boys behind me snickering as they tell a friend returning from a popcorn run about how we moved because of them...Actually, it was something like, "Hey. They moved. I was (fart sound), and they moved over." I roll my eyes and let the boys keep thinking that we moved because I thought they were actually farting and not because of their general annoyingness.

I'm in front of a fourth or fifth grade girl now, and a dad and his son have taken the seats directly next to me. There's still about ten minutes left until the movie starts, so I settle in and listen to the groan-worthy conversations going on behind me.

Boy: "Two-face is in this movie."
Girl: "No, I don't think he is."
Boy: "Yes, he is."
Girl: "Oh, I don't really know. All I know is that Heath Ledger is in it, and he's the Joker. That's all. I don't even know who plays Batman."
Me: Christian Bale.
Boy: Bruce Wayne. He's the Batman.
Me: groan.
Girl: Oh, I don't know who that is.
Boy: Yeah, he's the Batman.
Girl: Oh. I think that they should do more movies like the one with Robin and that evil vine girl.
Me: It's Poison freaking Ivy, and what do you even mean?!! Please, someone, KILL ME NOW!!

At some point during this conversation, I start laughing at it all in spite of myself, and I can't stop, so I'm sitting there with my hand over my face, frustrated, yet cracking up. I hear a quiet chuckle from the dad beside me. He has been listening too, and I think he feels my pain.

Finally, the movie starts and the kids quiet down. I praise God, and settle in.

Tonight I was telling my mom how I felt about the movie.

Me: "It was nothing but intensity. It never let up. It was very good, but I felt like it was two hours of hopelessness."

Mom: "Welcome to real life."

Me: "Yeah."

So, there.
I liked it.

But it left me feeling so heavy. And I realized why I never really liked Batman as much as other superheroes. He's dark. I like my superheroes to be rays of light and beacons of hope and all that nonsense. Batman...is just dark...realistic...but dark.

Batman needs Jesus.

Don't we all.


~~Knowing How Way Leads on to Way, I Doubted if I Should Ever Go Back~~



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